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Writer-Director, Script Reader and Producer

Loves telling stories of compelling women faced with morally compromised decisions


Patrick was born and raised on the Isle of Man, as well as on cinema. Obsessed with film from a young age, he started producing short films with his friends, and won the Best Comedy Award at the Young Filmmaker of Mann. He also worked on feature film Mindhorn as a Production Assistant before even going to university. 

Since founding Dark Avenue Film, Patrick has directed two award-winning short fiction films and co-directed two short documentaries which played to wide audiences at Festival Interceltique de Lorient and at the Manx Last Night of the Proms. He has also produced two shorts for other directors to date, and co-written several feature and TV pilot specs with Bethany which have placed highly in screenwriting competitions including BlueCat and WeScreenplay Diverse Voices. 

His latest short film, ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY starring Isis Hainsorth (Metal Lords, Catherine Called Birdy) and Lara Peake (How To Have Sex, Brave New Word) and featuring music from Wolf Alice, was shot in 2024 and is now entering film festivals. He is in development on two short films, MINNIE GOES CROSS-EYED and CLATTERBRIDGE, to direct. 

Alongside writing and directing, Patrick is a script reader for Austin Film Festival and has previously read for Isle of Man Film and Andy Serkis' Imaginarium Studios. 


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